I Don’t Do As I Say

“Do as I say, not as I do.”  We’ve all heard this quirky expression and perhaps even have said it ourselves.  Hopefully we don’t make this a habit as educators, administrators, or supervisors.  And if we do, I hope we’re aware of how bad it makes us look. Today’s blog...

Can You Hear What You Are Saying?

Returning to the US after 12 years of living abroad was well, an interesting experience. Given that much of what I knew about American culture was what I saw on television, you can imagine that this would create some very interesting situations. Many of those will be...

Imaging Being Told NOT to Do Your Job

This blog entry is the first of two parts. Imagine going to work and being told not to do your job. Believe it or not, this actually happened to someone I know very well.  My good friend once worked for a large, unnamed public agency and he had what was considered the...

Let’s Keep Things in the Present

Why is common sense so hard to find? The fact that it’s called “common sense” suggests that it should be standard fare pretty much anywhere you care to look. Someone who I know well told me an interesting story about his tenure at a large, unnamed public agency he...
Rick Teaches