There’s Nothing I Can (or Will Do) – Part 2

In my previous blog entry, I talked about how establishments all too often, put lackluster individuals high up in the food chain, where unfortunately, they are in charge of making lackluster decisions. Common Sense dictates that this should not happen, ever. If it...

There’s Nothing I Can (or Will) Do

I’m sure that we’ve all experienced this once or twice (or more) in our lives. We go to the bank (or repair shop or some other place of business) only to find that the only person on earth who can fulfill our specific need is out of the office. We’re...

A Job Well Done is its Own Reward, or Is It? – Part 2

In my previous blog entry, I wrote how my very good friend was personally insulted by his military supervisor during his performance review, when his “Exceeds Expectations” work was rewarded with a “Satisfactory” rating. Unfortunately, this blog entry is pretty much...

A Job Well Done is its Own Reward, or Is It?

I’m sure we’ve all had the experience of having a colleague who we can say, doesn’t quite measure up.  Perhaps they’re always late, or unreliable, or inconsistent in their work habits. Perhaps their work isn’t up to par.  I’m sure we can tell stories about that...

How To Annoy Your Professor in Five Easy Steps

I’m a pretty easy going type of professor and it generally takes a lot to annoy me.  For the most part, I have the patience of a saint.  I attribute that to my years as an elementary and middle school teacher. But that’s for the most part. Like many others, I have my...
Rick Teaches