Imagine being tasked with doing someone else’s job

Sometimes it’s hard enough to do your own job, but imagine being tasked with doing someone else’s.  That is exactly what happened to someone I know well during his tenure in a large, unnamed public agency. This involved two very large unnamed public agencies in a very...

The Ones in the Trenches Know What’s Going On

One can make a great argument stating that since employees who work on the assembly line often know first hand what is happening, they should have a part in making decisions. Perhaps not the final decision, but most certainly a say in what the decision should be....

Imagine being told that something is not impossible

It’s funny how perception changes due to a gain in knowledge.  Imagine believing that something is impossible, then suddenly discovering that it’s not. What changed?  The only thing that really changes is how you now look at that thing that you once thought was...

Never Underestimate the Power of Scrounge

Have you ever been in the situation where you did not have all the pieces to complete an important job? Has the situation been so dire that you would do practically anything, short of an immoral or illegal act to get the job done? Most of us have been in that...

I Don’t Do As I Say

“Do as I say, not as I do.”  We’ve all heard this quirky expression and perhaps even have said it ourselves.  Hopefully we don’t make this a habit as educators, administrators, or supervisors.  And if we do, I hope we’re aware of how bad it makes us look. Today’s blog...
Rick Teaches