There’s Nothing I Can (or Will Do) – Part 2

In my previous blog entry, I talked about how establishments all too often, put lackluster individuals high up in the food chain, where unfortunately, they are in charge of making lackluster decisions. Common Sense dictates that this should not happen, ever. If it...

There’s Nothing I Can (or Will) Do

I’m sure that we’ve all experienced this once or twice (or more) in our lives. We go to the bank (or repair shop or some other place of business) only to find that the only person on earth who can fulfill our specific need is out of the office. We’re...

A Job Well Done is its Own Reward, or Is It? – Part 2

In my previous blog entry, I wrote how my very good friend was personally insulted by his military supervisor during his performance review, when his “Exceeds Expectations” work was rewarded with a “Satisfactory” rating. Unfortunately, this blog entry is pretty much...

A Job Well Done is its Own Reward, or Is It?

I’m sure we’ve all had the experience of having a colleague who we can say, doesn’t quite measure up.  Perhaps they’re always late, or unreliable, or inconsistent in their work habits. Perhaps their work isn’t up to par.  I’m sure we can tell stories about that...

How To Annoy Your Professor in Five Easy Steps

I’m a pretty easy going type of professor and it generally takes a lot to annoy me.  For the most part, I have the patience of a saint.  I attribute that to my years as an elementary and middle school teacher. But that’s for the most part. Like many others, I have my...

Another Day of Not Using Algebra? Not Today – Part 2

The second part of my last blog entry has nothing to do with algebra, but my distaste for the slacker culture in general. This takes us back to our own education experiences – when we were sitting behind student desks instead of being the classroom guru, the sage on...

Another Day of Not Using Algebra? Not Today!

One thing I cannot stand is slacker culture.  That is, doing the least amount of anything just to get by.  As an educator, seeing it is my least favorite part of the job. We are often told that we don’t do enough to motivate or inspire our slacker students and I...

The Gift of Dyslexia

No one would say that you are lucky to have a learning disability, let alone having any disability.  Few of us would say how incredibly blessed we are to have any kind of disability. This very thing reminds me of something I had heard awhile back, when...

Growing Up in the Land Down Under

Mention “Australia” and certain images are instantly evoked: emus on a car insurance commercial, Crocodile Dundee, Outback Steakhouse, Keith Urban and Nicole Kidman. This list is long. My story is probably only half as interesting as the previously evoked images. In...

Can’t you see all the Geography in this picture?

As a community college professor and a former community student, I’d like to think that my students have not enrolled in class simply because they think they will earn three easy units. I think back to my own community college experience. Because my overseas education...
Rick Teaches