Someone I know well told me this interesting story from when he served in an unnamed branch of the military.

He was young and naive in the ways of the world and on how big establishments work.

But perhaps leaders and managers should step off their pedestals and take off their laurels for a moment and see the world through those same fresh eyes. Appearances are everything.

My friend managed the military base’s library of technical publications. He was very good at it. In a short time he became the resident expert on technical publications management and he even wrote a local procedure on how to manage the library when it first automated. Military folks from around the country called him for his expertise when they first automated their own libraries.

The story actually begins when another unit on the base wanted to start their own library, but did not know how to begin. So naturally they called my friend. Always eager to help, he rearranged his schedule so he could help this unit set up their own library.

My friend’s supervisor who we’ll call Sergeant M was not pleased. Who are these people, he asked my friend. How long will this take, Sergeant M asked. Why don’t they get their own librarian? Why do you have to go over there in the first place?

My friend, who you remember was naive in the ways of the world, was quite taken back by his supervisor’s reaction to what he thought was an act of good will and comradery.

He responded to Sergeant M’s questions. They are the unit next door, he said. Don’t worry about my workload. You know I always get my work done and this time is no different. I am the resident technical publication library expert and I am training their librarian, so they will not have to keep calling me.

Sergeant, they are not the enemy: they are on our side!

It’s been a few decades since this incident and my friend and I are now wiser to the ways of the world. Oddly enough however, our views have not changed. If others work in our organization, they are on our side!

There are no empires, fiefdoms, or sides. In an organization, whether it’s the military, government, or a school, we are all working for a common purpose with a common set of goals.

Something to think about as we step outside our door and take a new, fresh look at the world.

Rick Teaches